Friday, November 14, 2008

Gandalf Neeeeeds A hunny ! !

All single lovely ladies, this is YOUR lucky day!!! Haven't you always been wondering:"When is the perfect "man" going to decide to come into my life?" Well here is your moment! A mysterious, goodlooking wizard is waiting to meet you. He is everything a young female hobbit can ask for. He likes your hairy feet and loves your cooking. He's pleased with having long meals very often and he has excellent potential in entertaining you with magic. He will take you flying in his strong arms, and give you the chance to rub his long white beard so he can grant you three wishes. His tall, strong figure will keep you warm when you're cold and his sensitive, caring heart will be your shelter. Of course you will have to go with him on his adventurous journeys and be his guide in times where things get rough. He is looking for someone with some sense of humor and preferably someone with satisfying looks and a great personality. So hurry hurry all small hobbits, your true love awaits!

Phone Number:(909)234-6095

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